data class Elf64Phdr(val pType: ElfPType, val pFlags: ElfPFlags, val pOffset: Elf64Off, val pVaddr: Elf64Addr, val pPaddr: Elf64Addr, val pFilesz: Elf64Xword, val pMemsz: Elf64Xword, val pAlign: Elf64Xword) : ReadableStructure, ElfPhdr(source)
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constructor(pType: ElfPType, pFlags: ElfPFlags, pOffset: Elf64Off, pVaddr: Elf64Addr, pPaddr: Elf64Addr, pFilesz: Elf64Xword, pMemsz: Elf64Xword, pAlign: Elf64Xword)
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This member holds the value to which the segments are aligned in memory and in the file.
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This member holds the number of bytes in the file image of the segment.
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This member holds the number of bytes in the memory image of the segment.