
Represents a 32-bit address in a PE file.


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constructor(value: UInt)


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object Companion
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A serializer for Address32.


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val value: UInt

the unsigned integer representing the address


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infix inline fun and(other: UInt): Address32

returns the bitwise and of this address and the given unsigned integer.

infix inline fun and(other: Address32): Address32

returns the bitwise and of this address and the given address.

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open operator override fun compareTo(other: Address32): Int
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inline operator fun minus(other: Address32): Address32

subtracts the given address from this address.

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inline operator fun plus(other: Int): Address32

adds the given integer (treated as an address) to this address.

inline operator fun plus(other: UInt): Address32

adds the given unsigned integer (treated as an address) to this address.

inline operator fun plus(other: Address32): Address32

adds the given address to this address.

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inline fun toInt(): Int

converts this address to an integer.

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open override fun toString(): String

Convert to string in hex format, e.g. "0x12345678"