
expect interface FileFormat<T : OpenedFile>(source)

Represents a object or executable file format.

actual interface FileFormat<T : OpenedFile>(source)

Represents a object or executable file format.

actual interface FileFormat<T : OpenedFile>(source)

Represents a object or executable file format.


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expect open fun open(bytes: ByteArray): T

Opens and parses a file from the given bytes.

expect abstract fun open(accessor: DataAccessor): T

Opens and parses a file from the given data accessor.

open fun open(file: File): T

Opens and parses a file from the given file.

open fun open(channel: SeekableByteChannel): T

Opens and parses a file from the given channel.

open fun open(path: Path): T

Opens and parses a file from the given path.

actual open fun open(bytes: ByteArray): T

Opens and parses a file from the given bytes.

actual abstract fun open(accessor: DataAccessor): T

Opens and parses a file from the given data accessor.

actual open fun open(bytes: ByteArray): T

Opens and parses a file from the given bytes.

actual abstract fun open(accessor: DataAccessor): T

Opens and parses a file from the given data accessor.