Package-level declarations
A DataAccessor implementation that reads data from a ByteArray.
Defines an interface for random access data reading. Implementations should provide methods to read bytes from a data source.
Represents an end-of-file exception.
Represents the type of executable file.
Marks declarations that are internal in the API, which means that should not be used outside of this project, because their signatures and semantics will change between future releases without any warnings and without providing any migration aids.
Represents a object or executable file format.
Represents a object or executable file format.
Represents a object or executable file format.
Represents an imported symbol in an executable file
Represents a container that holds import symbols
Represents an I/O exception.
Represents a section of a file that can be read.
Provides a way to read a simple structure object
An implementation of InputStream that reads data from a ReadableSection. This class provides a way to read section data using the standard Java InputStream API.
A DataAccessor implementation that reads data from a SeekableByteChannel.