
A DataAccessor implementation that reads data from a SeekableByteChannel.



the channel to read from

See also


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constructor(channel: SeekableByteChannel)


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open override val size: Long


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open override fun close()

Close the data accessor, it will close the underlying channel.

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open fun readAtMost(pos: Long, buf: ByteArray): Int

Reads at most buf.size bytes from the file at the specified pos into the buf array.

open override fun readAtMost(pos: Long, buf: ByteArray, off: Int, len: Int): Int

Reads at most len bytes from the file at the specified pos into the buf array.

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open fun readFully(pos: Long, buf: ByteArray)

open fun readFully(pos: Long, buf: ByteArray, off: Int, len: Int)

Reads exactly len bytes from the file at the specified pos into the buf array.

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open override fun toString(): String