data class Elf32Ehdr(val eType: ElfType, val eMachine: ElfMachine, val eVersion: Elf32Word, val eEntry: Elf32Addr, val ePhoff: Elf32Off, val eShoff: Elf32Off, val eFlags: Elf32Word, val eEhsize: Elf32Half, val ePhentsize: Elf32Half, val ePhnum: Elf32Half, val eShentsize: Elf32Half, val eShnum: Elf32Half, val eShstrndx: Elf32Half) : ReadableStructure, ElfEhdr(source)
Represents the ELF 32-bit file header structure.
The ELF header defines the file's organization. It contains information about how to interpret the file, such as whether it's a 32-bit or 64-bit ELF file, which machine architecture it targets, where to find the program header table and section header table, and other essential metadata.
This class specifically handles the 32-bit version of the ELF header format.
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This member's value specifies the required architecture for an individual file.
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This member holds the size in bytes of one entry in the file's program header table.
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This member holds a section header's size in bytes. A section header is one entry in the section header table; all entries are the same size.